How to play SteamVR games with your iPhone

Turn your iPhone into a real VR experience.

Using your iPhone to enjoy VR experiences from the App Store isn't a new trick, though it is a lot of fun. While there are some nice apps to enjoy inside a Google Cardboard headset with your phone, most of the truly great VR experiences live on a computer. More specifically, inside SteamVR on Windows, at least until Apple works its way up to supporting VR. The cool thing about SteamVR is how well it handles using just about anything as a VR headset. While a lot of the experiences are built with the HTC Vive in mind, a little bit of clever software on your phone can take the place of a full VR headset so you can check out all of the fun.

Here's a quick guide for using your iPhone as a Steam VR headset.

Read more at VR Heads!

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