How to instantly share photos using Family Sharing for iPhone and iPad

Share photos with your family with Family Sharing and iCloud Photo Sharing!

Updated April, 2017: Updated screenshots to reflect changes in iOS 10 and to remove some outdated iOS 8 information.

Family Sharing not only lets you share iTunes and App Store purchases with other members of your household, but also gives you a way to share photos instantly. By using iCloud Photo Sharing, Family Sharing lets you share photos to a single stream that everyone in your family has access to. Once you've set up Family Sharing and everyone has joined, all you've got to do is start sharing photos!

How to share photos with Family Sharing and the Photos app

  1. Make sure iCloud Photo Sharing is enabled.
  2. Launch the Photos app on your iPhone or iPad.
  3. Tap on the Shared tab in the bottom navigation. It's the cloud.
  4. Tap on the Sharing button in the upper left corner to get to the main iCloud Photo Sharing list of streams.

  5. Tap on the Family stream.
  6. Tap on the plus sign.
  7. Tap the photos you want to add and then tap Done in the upper right corner.
  8. Type a description if you'd like and then tap Post in the pop-up window.


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