Should you use FaceTime in portrait or landscape?

What's better while FaceTiming: portrait or landscape?

Whether you're someone who FaceTimes constantly almost every single day, or someone who occasionally uses the feature to connect with friends and family on their adventures in order to check in (or even someone who opens the app once in a blue moon accidentally) knowing the best etiquette for angling your FaceTime conversation is key!

While some people may argue that all video on an iPhone or iPad should be shot in a landscape/horizontal way so users can get the best use of the space & width of their screen, FaceTiming actually works a wee bit better if you're in portrait mode.


With the way FaceTime is set up on your screen, whether it be on your iPhone, iPad, or MacBook, you should be able to see that not only is the window you're having your conversation in portrait mode, but the entire FaceTime window is in portrait mode, too.

This makes sense because when you're FaceTiming on your iPhone, the natural way you hold your phone is upright/vertically/in portrait mode – very rarely are people constantly texting, Instagramming, and interacting on their iPhone or iPad in landscape mode.

TDLR; it feels the most natural!

But my DSLR/point-and-shoot camera is landscape/horizontal, so wouldn't that actually feel more natural?

If you were FaceTiming with your DSLR, then it totally! But FaceTiming on your iPhone is a different story.

Because we hold our iPhone's upright, it just makes sense to FaceTime at this angle; after all, FaceTiming should look casual and simple with just the quick tap of a button from writing a text, not like you're fumbling to angle up & match the perfect shot like you would while shooting a photo.

Can I FaceTime in landscape mode?

Of course you can! You can totally do whatever you want!

But it's important to note that the way your screen is set up, and the way you see your FaceTiming partner/they see you, is all set to function best and fit properly in portrait mode.

… Well what's so bad about FaceTiming in landscape mode?

While landscape mode can be great for shooting video, selfies, photos, and so, so much more, FaceTime falls a bit flat when it comes to shooting landscape.

Why? Well when you're FaceTiming with someone and switch into landscape mode, they don't actually see that switch: you still appear to them on their screen in a portrait-style vertical box in the corner of their screen.

When you tilt your iPhone, the box doesn't tilt with you, it just stays in portrait mode. Meanwhile suddenly your image is closer to the camera, it's a bit more awkward to FaceTime with someone, and getting the perfect angle becomes a bit of a chore.

How do you FaceTime?

Are you a big fan of having your FaceTime conversations in portrait mode? Or are you a true-to-heart landscape mode FaceTime-ilist?

Let us know how you've mastered FaceTime in the comments below!

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