How to create a shared Photo Stream on iPhone and iPad

Create a shared Photo Stream to show off your best pics to friends and family.

Apple makes it possible for you to create a mini social networking group dedicated to photography. It's called a Shared Photo Stream and it's part of the Photos app on iPhone, iPad, and Mac. When you create a Shared Photo Stream, you invite others to see your pictures. Friends and family can also upload their own pictures and like or comment on pics. The benefit of a Shared Photo Stream is that it is more private and intimate. All of your activities are only shared with people you've invited to the group instead of friends of friends of friends knowing what you thought of a picture. Here's how to create a Shared Photo Stream on iPhone and iPad.

How to create a Shared Photo Stream on iPhone and iPad

If you want to share your vacation photos, or the pics from last night's party with friends and family, you can create a Shared Photo Stream and invite them.

  1. Launch the Photos app on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Tap Shared at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Tap Add button in the upper left corner. It looks like a plus symbol (+).

    You might have to navigate out of your shared Activity stream first by tapping Sharing in the upper left corner to go back to your list of shared photo albums.

  4. Name your album.
  5. Tap Next.

  6. Enter the contact for your friends and family. Make sure you use their iCloud contacts.
  7. Tap Create.

  8. Tap on the newly created Shared Photo Stream.
  9. Tap the Add button in the album tray. It looks like a plus symbol (+).
  10. Select photos you want to add to your Shared Photo Stream.

  11. Tap Done in the upper right corner.
  12. Add a comment, if you like.
  13. Tap Post.

You can repeat steps 8 - 13 every time you want to add a new photo to the Shared Photo Stream.

How to delete photos from a Shared Photo Stream on iPhone and iPad

If you decide you don't want one or more of the pictures you've uploaded on your Shared Photo Stream anymore, you can delete them.

Note: People in your Shared Photo Stream can download a copy of photos onto their devices, so even if you think you've deleted it, someone else may still have a copy.

  1. Launch the Photos app on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Tap Shared at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Tap the Shared Photo Stream for which you want to remove photos.

    You might have to navigate out of your shared Activity stream first by tapping Sharing in the upper left corner to go back to your list of shared photo albums.

  4. Tap Select in the upper right corner.
  5. Tap the photos you want to delete.

  6. Tap the Trash icon in the bottom right corner.
  7. Tap Delete [X] Photos to confirm that you want to delete the selected photos from the Shared Photo Stream.

This will remove the photos in the album from all of your iCloud connected devices, as well as the people you share the Shared Photo Stream with.

How to delete a Shared Photo Stream on iPhone and iPad

If, for any reason, you decide that you no longer want to share photos with a group, you can delete a Shared Photo Stream, which will remove it from your iCloud connected devices, as well as everyone you've shared the Photo Stream with.

Note: People in your Shared Photo Stream can download a copy of photos onto their devices, so even if you think you've deleted all of the photos in a Shared Photo Stream, someone else may still have a copy.

  1. Launch the Photos app on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Tap Shared at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Tap the Edit in the upper left corner.

  4. Tap the red Delete icon next to the Shared Photo Stream you want to delete.
  5. Tap Delete to confirm that you want to delete the Shared Photo Stream.
  6. Tap Done when you're finished.

If you want to remove a Shared Photo Stream from your device that someone else created, you'll have to unsubscribe instead of deleting it.

Any questions?

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