Join the discussion: Should I sell my barely-used Surface Pro 4 and get the new iPad Pro 10.5?

What do you think? Is it worth it to sell a barely-used Surface Pro 4 to pick up an iPad Pro 10.5? Join the discussion in the iMore forums and let us know what you think the best solution is!

One of the most challenging things to decide on as someone who likes to keep up-to-date with their tech is whether one gadget is better than another – which is just the conundrum we're discussing in the iMore forums.

Is it worth it to sell a barely-used Surface Pro 4 to pick up an iPad Pro 10.5? What do you think?

06-25-2017 10:34 AM

Hey guys and ladies I got a Surface Pro 4 (I5 Core/8GB of RAM/256GB of storage) with the type cover for my birthday 4 months ago in February and I really haven't used it as much as I thought I would. I have only used the Pro 4 about 20 times in the last 4 months and at the moment it is just sitting on my table haven't used it in just over 3 weeks ago. To be honest compared to my iPad Air...


06-26-2017 10:06 AM

iPad 10.5 is a significant upgrade to iPad Air 2. In fact I own the original 12.9 and the 10.5 flies compared to it. I am going to sell the 12.9 to try and make up for some of the money spent on the 10.5. I love this thing!!!


06-25-2017 12:24 PM

If you purchased the SP4 to play games, you got the wrong device. Its a computer for doing serious work. I don't know enough about iPads yet, but I am going to guess there is one that will fit your needs better than the SP4. I'm sure others will chime in and stear you in the right direction. Good luck! Sent from mTalk on my SP4


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