Download every single Mac launch wallpaper dating back to 2001 in 5K

If you've got a soft spot for the old OS X wallpaper, you can get them back, and updated for 5K retina displays, to boot!

Every time Apple updates its operating system, it releases a new wallpaper relating to that release. These days, wallpapers are much more representative of their namesake (like El Capitan and Sierra), but the first few wallpapers for OS X were beautiful sweeping light arcs across a nice blue background. Later, we saw unique galaxy images.

If you've always wished you could get back that Puma wallpaper, but didn't want a grainy copy, 512 Pixels has a treat for you. Every single original default wallpaper launched since 2001 with OS X Cheetah is available for download. The best part is, they've all been given a refresh treatment with full 5K support.

Major props to the world-class designer who does all the art of Relay FM, the mysterious @forgottentowel, for upscaling many of these for modern screens.

To turn one of these glorious wallpapers into your desktop background, select the image you like and click on the download link. You'll be redirected to the full-sized image. Then, right or control+click on the image and select Use image as desktop picture.

Be sure to help writer Stephen Hackett continue to provide us with awesome stuff like this by becoming a member of 512 Pixels.

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