Donate to disaster relief through App Store & iTunes right now

You can donate to disaster relief efforts now through the American Red Cross or directly via iTunes.

Hurricane Harvey. Hurricane Irma. Earthquakes in Mexico. Hurrican Maria. The disasters just keep coming and the devastation, growing. People have been killed, homes destroyed, businesses laid waste.

Apple continues to both donate and help facilitate donations for disaster relief:

In the wake of natural disasters affecting millions of people in the US, Mexico, and the Caribbean, Apple employees and customers are coming together to support relief and recovery efforts. Since Hurricane Harvey made landfall in Texas, Irma swept across the Florida Keys and along the Gulf Coast, earthquakes struck Mexico and most recently in response to Hurricane Maria's devastation throughout Puerto Rico, the Apple community has generated more than $13 million to help provide shelter, food, clean water and other emergency services in these communities.

If you want to help — or keep helping — you can donate directly through iTunes and the App Store. You can also donate to local relief efforts in the US, Mexico, and the Caribbean.

Our hearts go out to everyone affected, their loved ones, and everyone providing emergency aid and assistance.

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