Enhance your reading and comprehension skills for $25

Though we may not "read" as much in the traditional sense anymore with binge-watching, gaming, and movies taking its place, we do take in more information at a faster rate than we ever have before. But here's the thing: How much of it do you actually take in? Better yet, when it comes time to read something longer, does it take you forever? If you want to better understand what you're reading and read it faster, then you could use a little help.

Increase your reading and comprehension skills for $25 Learn more

The Vocab1 and 7 Speed Reading EX bundle is for people who want to better their reading skills and enhance their comprehension. Reading efficiency has been linked to more success in school and work, which make this bundle an investment in your or your child's future. A lifetime subscription to this bundle is regularly $326, but at iMore Digital Offers, you can get it for just $24.65, 15% off our already low price of $29. All you have to do is use code GIFTSHOP15 at check out.

With Vocab1 and 7 Speed Reading EX you'll get to:

  • Read up to 3.471 times faster
  • Upload any article, web page, text file, or PDF to your library
  • Do away with bad reading habits using exercises designed to improve comprehension
  • Receive guidance from world-leading experts, featuring video tutorials
  • Access 20,477 ebooks for free, right in the 7 Speed Reading EX platform

And much more!

If you want to better your reading skills, increase comprehension, and start increasing your success in school and work, then check out the Vocab1 and 7 Speed Readin EX bundle and get you lifetime subscription for only $24.65 when you use code GIFTSHOP15 at check out.

Increase your reading and comprehension skills for $25 Learn more

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