Research firm estimates one million Apple Watches pre-ordered on day one in the US

Research firm Slice Intelligence estimates Apple received just shy of one million Apple Watch pre-orders on Friday's launch day in the US alone.

According to the report published by Slice Intelligence:

"According to ereceipt data from 9,080 online shoppers, each Apple Watch buyer ordered an average of 1.3 watches, spending $503.83 per watch. Those ordering an Apple Watch Sport spent $382.83 per watch and those ordering the Apple Watch spent $707.04."

Slice Intelligence notes that from a panel of two million online shoppers, 957,000 US consumers pre-ordered the Apple Watch on launch day, with 62 percent of those who placed an order favoring the more affordable Apple Watch Sport model. The larger 42mm variant also proved to be the popular option for consumers while 39% opted for the smaller 38mm casing.

"The Black Sport Band was by far the most popular among both Apple Watch and Apple Watch Sport buyers, with 49 percent overall pre-ordering one, followed by the White Sport Band at 16 percent and the more expensive Milanese Loop ($149 versus $49 for the black Sport band) rounding out the top three at around 10 percent. "

Shortly after going live on Friday, Apple started rolling back the pre-order shipping dates for the Apple Watch models. Tim Cook said while chatting to CNBC that pre-orders numbers were "great", failing to elaborate by revealing figures.

Source: Slice Intelligence, via: Apple Insider

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