This $20 Helping Hand deluxe stair climber cart will make your life easier

Work smarter, not harder.

Amazon is offering this Helping Hand Deluxe Stair Climber Folding Cart for only $19.97 right now. It typically sells for about $15 more.

This cart lives up to its name. It'll help you out with grocery shopping, laundry, events, camping, rearranging, and more. Plus, the innovative design can handle not only smooth surfaces, but curbs and steps. If you live in a walk-up or frequently take the bus, this thing is going to be your new best friend. I personally live in a walk-up, and as much as I love feeling like Superwoman when I lug 45 bags of groceries up in one trip, there's no doubt that this would make my day-to-day routine easier.

It's durable, lightweight, and folds flat when not in use. Users gave it 3.9 out of 5 stars from a total of 445 testimonials.

See at Amazon

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