Here’s how Natures will work in Pokemon Let’s Go

For long term players of the pokemon franchise may have been a little disenchanted with the announcement of Pokemon Let's Go : Pikachu and Pokemon Let's Go : Eevee with its simpler mechanics and friendly approach for newcomers. It would be easy to see why, with the ability to catch pokemon without battling them with a slightly deemphasised leaning towards battling trainers. Some veteran players may be wondering what's for them? After all, there are no eggs to hatch so breeding in competitive play for natures becomes a problem for this entry into the franchise right?

Well, no. There is a way to ensure that when you're encountering Pokemon in the wild in Pokemon Let's Go: Pikachu and Pokemon Let's Go: Eevee that they are the nature you'd want them to be before you catch them.

How? Well, there is an NPC in the Pokemon Centre that for 10,000 in-game money you can change their nature for "the rest of the day". (There isn't clarification yet on what "the rest of the day" may mean, be it in game time, or real time.) You do this by answering a few questions that the NPC will ask you. For those who would like a more detailed break down of these can click here. For newcomers to the series, you may just want to experiment for yourselves!

For those who are stat focused, there is also a Judge feature that will be accessed as you go through the game. This is similar to the Pokemon Go feature where Professor Willow will evaluate how strong your Pokemon are. This will give trainers the ability to see how the nature of their Pokemon effects there stats at a glance! Making the feature useful for both veterans and new comers to the series.

Remember, Pokemon Let's Go : Pikachu and Pokemon Let's Go : Eevee is available for preorder now for 59.99 and if you want to find out what the differences are between the two versions check out our article here for a handy breakdown.

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