How to customize the Dock on your Mac

The OS X Dock is a convenient way to launch apps and access the files and folders you use most frequently.

When you first launch OS X Yosemite, the Dock comes pre-filled with many of the standard apps Apple includes: Mail, Safari, Launchpad, Mission Control, and more. You can customize the Dock with any apps you like, however. What's more, you can adjust the Dock's size, its location, and its behavior.

How to add apps, folders and files to the Dock

  1. Open your Applications folder.
  2. Locate an app you'd like to add to the Dock.
  3. Click on the app and drag it into the Dock. As you move the icon to the Dock, the app icons already in the Dock will move aside to make room for it.
  4. Let go of the mouse or trackpad button and the app will stay put.

Follow the same procedure to add more apps to the Dock. You can also add folders or individual files as well. (Folders and files need to be added to the right side of the Dock.)

How to remove apps, folders and files to the Dock

Make sure you've quit out of an app before you try to remove it from the Dock. Open apps will always appear on the Dock, whether they're pinned there or not.

  1. Click on the app icon in the Dock, and drag the icon away from the Dock.
  2. A popup will appear that says "Remove." Let go of the mouse button or trackpad, and the icon will be removed from the Dock.
  3. Follow the same procedure to remove files or folders you've added to the Dock.

This only removes this instance of the application (called an alias) from the Dock. It does not delete the app from your Mac.

How to change the Dock's size and placement

You can adjust the Dock's size, the magnification of icons in the Dock as you roll your cursor over them, its placement (either on the left, bottom or right edges of the screen), the visual effect used when you minimize a window on the Dock, and more.

  1. Open System Preferences.
  2. Click on the Dock icon.
  3. Adjust the Size and, optionally, the Magnification slider to control how big the Dock is and how big it gets when you hover over it.
  4. Click on the Position you want the Dock on your screen.
  5. Choose the options you want for the Dock animations and window behavior.

Bonus tips

  • You can change the size of the Dock by positioning the cursor over the Dock divider that separates apps from files and folders. The cursor will change to a double-sided arrow; click and drag to increase or decrease the size of the Dock.
  • You can change the location of the Dock by holding down the shift key, clicking on that divider, and dragging the Dock to the left, bottom, or right sides of the screen.
  • If you'd like to keep an app that's open in the Dock permanently, control click the icon in the Dock, select Options and select Keep in Dock.

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