Here are our favorite #shotonapplewatch Instagram photos!

You showed us your best #shotonapplewatch photos, and here's our winner!

The Apple Watch's Camera Remote feature is great for shooting photos you might not otherwise be able to take. A few weeks ago, we challenged you to take great #shotonapplewatch photos, and here's our pick!

"Two thousand fifteen?! You mean we're in the future!" #shotonapplewatch

A photo posted by Justyn McCabe (@ijustyn) on

Congrats, Justyn McCabe! His Back to the Future-inspired entry is above. When entering, Justyn said:

Finally have my 42mm Silver Sport with a white band. I used a plastic cup as a tripod for my iPhone 6. Then made a few edits with the photos app and Instagram.

For his excellent staging and innovative plastic cupwork, Justyn has won a Glif Tripod Mount and Stand and a $25 iTunes gift card! We'll be reaching out shortly.

We'll be doing our next contest after we get back from WWDC, so stay tuned. Hint: It might have to do with your workspaces...

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